Tuesday, March 12, 2013

KIMspiration: Needs a Break

Taking a break doesn't mean you're weak. Even robots need to have a break for them not to over-heat. The world is chaotic; a good, ole quiet time is the best get away from the hustle and bustle. 

For me, taking a break doesn't necessarily mean going on a vacation. I can just be in my room and lie down. During these times, it makes me reflect and plan on things. I can think better when there's no noise. It allows me to dive into my subconscious, ignites my analytic mind (weh???) and creativity (weh ulit!!!). Now that I'm reminded of it, I can attest that my best decisions came from...

lying down on my bed... alone.

having a cup of coffee on our veranda... alone. 

How about you? =)


  1. Yes. even mommies take a break. and break to me means a pampering day at a salon. :)

    1. I love that, too, sis! Shopping pa pala.. kahit window shopping lang. LOL


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