Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ginger for Weight Loss!

Okay, I must be honest that I'm a bit obsessed with the words "weight loss" and "diet". I would constantly research on ways and means; the more natural it is, the better but when it's natural and cheap, heck, it's the BEST! :)

I've been told that I don't need to lose weight anymore and I think they're probably right. However, I do have a loser for a metabolism. I gain weight pretty fast! If I would just give in to my pang for food, I'd look like a walking ball in no time. A little bit of history for y'all; I was a chubby girl as I was going through most of my elementary days. I had very low self-esteem to the point that I was wearing my dad's shirts when I was on my 6th grade! Everyone I knew back then thought I'd turn out lesbian, but to their shock(in a good way), I became a beauty queen on my teen years. Tee hee! :)

So much blabbering, let's get down into business. I featured here on my blog last time the lemon as my way of losing weight. Now, there's an additional one.

Welcome aboard, Ginger!

study by researchers at the Institute for Human Nutrition at Columbia University found that adding a hot ginger beverage to the diet of human subjects made them feel fuller after a meal and less likely to eat more later. “The results, showing enhanced thermogenesis and reduced feelings of hunger with ginger consumption, suggest a potential role of ginger in weight management,” the researchers said, calling for additional studies to confirm the findings. 

I've been testing out this beverage for days now; it comprises of lemon, ginger and hot water. I toss in slices of lemon and ginger into the hot water, let it sit for 15 minutes, remove all of it,squeeze out the juice of the lemon to the water then drink. A friend of mine even made a revision of this, she made use of honey instead of water. Honey masks the sourness of lemon and it is also good for weight loss. 

I find that this drink curbs my cravings. This is helpful especially now that I'm PMS-ing (Premenstrual Syndrome). I used to eat and crave food (especially chocolates) like a pregnant woman before I discovered this! 

Now, this might not work for everyone. It's really a trial and error. 

KIMspiration: Trust and Hold On

Sharing to you the wonderful fact about the fruit, Mangosteen, which was told to me by one of the brilliant men that I know. 

A Mangosteen tree actually takes a long time to grow but once it blossoms, and starts producing fruits, it never stops!

We can never get everything that we want in life "pronto". More often than not, we need to WORK HARD, PERSEVERE and most importantly, NEVER GIVE UP when the pacing seems to be slow; you're outrun by problems and discouragements (especially from those people whom you least expected). Remember your "DEEP WHY"; why did you aim for it in the first place? 

Why did you hold on?  

Trust that it will be yours in God's perfect time.

When you feel like quitting in anything that you do, please remember the story of the Mangosteen. 

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